New post ultra-high-end platform HD 64-row 128-slice CT(GE Revolution Ace )
Manufacturer:General Electric
Features:Megapixel imaging technology, whole body high-definition imaging mode; application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology as the extension of image processing and auxiliary diagnosis.
Application:Most suitable for examination of brain, lung, spinal cord, abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity, retroperitoneal cavity, mediastinum, large blood vessels, etc.
The biggest innovation lies in the following: at the data generation source, the hardware platform of post ultra-high-end CT and the megapixel imaging technology with 1024 x 1024 resolution are introduced from GE Healthcare, to create the whole-body high-definition imaging mode, leading 64-row CT products into the era of original data acquisition with megapixel resolution. Thanks to such innovation, not only imaging, especially detail imaging has higher definition and accuracy, but also the fact is more valuable that the application of artificial intelligence (AI), as the extension of image